That is what he said, when asked if there was any evidence of corruption in the IRS scandal that now should be on the minds of all of us. Here is a short list of items and events that prove (tongue firmly planted in cheek).
Here are a short list of claims that were told by various people in the White House or other places within the administration proven later to be false.
- Soon after the IRS scandal broke, Officials in Washington pointed fingers at the Cincinnati office, claiming that "rogue agents" had spearheaded the targeting. This claim was proven false and that the targeting of Tea Party groups had been directed from Washington D.C. Click HERE to read that story.
- Democrats claimed that Liberal groups were targeted as well. While liberal groups were required. This claim was proven false when IRS agents were questioned by Daryl Issa's committee. The Daily Caller reported on April 7, 2014 that no Liberal groups were subjected to enhanced scrutiny.
So, the spin coming from Democrats/defenders of the IRS, has been proven to be false. If there was no corruption or wrongdoing, why then did, when given the chance to clear her name, did Lois Lerner TWICE invoke her right plead the 5th Amendment against SELF INCRIMINATION. If there was no hint of wrongdoing or corruption, what does she have to hide? She should be able to speak about what happened.
We should take his word on this. Not a smidgen of corruption indeed.
More to come...
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